My name is Liz Kelly and I am a freshman here at BSU. Currently I am double majoring in Elementary Education and History, however, I have decided that I am much more interested in pursuing a career in law and hope to go to law school after I graduate with my bachelor's degree from Bridgewater. I have not yet decided which field of law I would like to go into, but I am fairly interested in medical malpractice. I will continue majoring in History and take courses on the side that will help prepare me for the LSAT exam. As a student I would like to continue to challenge myself by remaining in the honors program throughout my college career and making Dean's List each semester.
There are several topics of concern that I am interested in:
- Gun Control: There should be stronger regulations that prevent the distribution and possession of automatic weapons to average citizens without so much as a psychological background check. Yes, the Second Amendment declares the right to bear arms, which I agree with, but is it really necessary for people to be in possession of multiple automatic weapons with no limitations as to the quantity nor enough information gathered about the individual that states they are capable of possessing these weapons safely. You do not need a machine gun to hunt, shoot recreationally, or even defend your home in the event of a trespasser. I do not think people just blame guns for everything; it is the individual who has access to these dangerous weapons without a background check. Dispersing these weapons to average citizens is just asking for trouble and tragedy as seen in the cases of Sandy Hook Elementary School as well as the Aurora movie theater shooting.
- Environmental protection
- Going Green
- Medicare and Medicaid
- Drinking age